Handling paper rolls by a paper gripper from Aerolift

Of course you know Aerolift from our vacuum lifting equipment. But did you know we also deliver solutions for lifting that are not based on vacuum technology? For example, for the paper industry we not only developed vacuum lifting devices, but also a paper gripper. This Aerogripper is developed after customer’s demand for a lifting device which would be able to lift packed paper rolls. The paper gripper is mainly used for transfer operations and preparing paper rolls for transport.

Handle multiple paper rolls at once

Depending the situation the Aerogripper can be carried out as an hydraulic or mechanical gripper. The paper gripper is developed to lift paper rolls which are placed upright. The six arms of the paper gripper matches the parameters of the batch of stored paper rolls. As a gripper the Aerogripper secures its grip around the paper rolls to handle. Thanks to the six long arms the paper gripper is able to handle multiple paper rolls at once.

Optimal use of storage capacity by a paper gripper

The stack of paper rolls can be up to 15 meters high. To use the storage capacity optimal the paper rolls are stacked closely together. No problem for the paper gripper from Aerolift, because the arms perfectly match the parameter of the stacked paper rolls.

Completely automatic

The Aerolift lifting solutions for the paper industry are mainly used in fully automatic paper mills. This applies to both the paper grippers and the vacuum lifters of Aerolift.

Solutions for small scale handling paper rolls

We also offer handling solutions for small scale handling. Paper mills often have a large storage capacity, but this is usually different with the users, like the packaging industry and printing works. For this situations we develop for example lifting devices in combination with forklifts and manual crane lifting operations.

More information about handling paper rolls by a paper gripper from Aerolift

Would you like to know more about handling paper rolls by a the paper gripper from Aerolift or one of our other lifting solutions for the paper industry. Contact Aerolift for more information.